Academic Method

From the free flight of fantasy to academicism and self-realization

The innovation of the author's methodology LEONARDO ART is in the creation of a system of art education, which is available In-Person or Online.

The system consists of 5 year cycles of education for children, teenagers and adults.
The innovation is the curriculum, teaching methods, teaching manuals, as well as all educational events, games, camps and other business methods based on the LEONARDO ART SCHOOL business model.

The author of LEONARDO ART SCHOOL ® Programme and methodology is Dr. Olga Azarova.


  • “LEONARDO: multi-talent method” expands the vision, possibilities and develops various talents in a child;
  • "LEONARDO: transfer of experience" method is implemented through immersion in world culture and the study of the masterpieces of great masters from Leonardo Da Vinci to Alfred Schnittke and Umberto Eco and the development of one's own vision and style;
  • “LEONARDO: flight” method is to create an environment of freedom to start, systemic trials and the right to make mistakes through free, unmotivated generation of ideas and regrouping of elements, expanding the information field, a leap path for developing an idea without judgment with full confidence in one's subconscious;
  • "LEONARDO: puzzle" method as a transforming human activity, the search for a new structure of already known elements, their new combinations and interactions, as the main dynamic characteristic of creativity;
  • Interactive lessons;
  • Creative games;
  • Master classes;
  • Plein Airs and Teambuilding;
  • Create your own projects;
  • Art festivals;
  • Art camps;
  • Art Business tours;
  • Final exhibitions.